In compliance with the provisions of Art. 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), it is reported that this website is owned by Fincas Mayurqa Administradores SL with CIF B09658451 and registered office at Pasaje Particular Guillem de Torrella, nº 1, 2º E, postal code 07002 Palma.
You can contact our company by e-mail at or directly at our offices. We inform that the purpose of the website is to facilitate to the general public, the knowledge of the activities that this entity performs along with the products and services it provides.
Fincas Mayurqa Administradores SL, in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation of 25/05/2018 (RGPD) and the current regulations on the subject, guarantees the security and confidentiality of the data provided by its partners and collaborators as detailed in our Privacy Policy, being able to exercise your rights relating to the protection of your privacy at the email address indicated above or by sending a communication to our offices.
Intellectual property, industrial property and copyright.
All the information contained in this website, its graphic design, as well as its source code constitute a work whose intellectual property belongs to Fincas Mayurqa Administradores SL. Internet users accessing this website may view the information contained therein and make downloads or private reproductions on their computer system, provided that the elements reproduced are not subsequently transferred to third parties or installed on a server connected to the Internet or a local computer network. The reproduction, distribution, public communication and any other act that has not been expressly authorized by the holder of the exploitation rights are prohibited. Infringement of any of the aforementioned rights may constitute a violation of these provisions, as well as an offense punishable under Articles 270 and following of the current Penal Code.
Fincas Mayurqa Administradores SL and its logo are registered trademarks of Fincas Mayurqa Administradores SL. Any use of the same is strictly prohibited without the express authorization of the owner. Fincas Mayurqa Administradores SL is a domain name registered by Fincas Mayurqa Administradores SL. The domain names of Fincas Mayurqa Administradores SL cannot be used in connection with other products or services that are not of said company, and cannot be used in any way that may cause confusion among our customers or discredit Fincas Mayurqa Administradores SL.
Limitation of liabilities.
Fincas Mayurqa Administradores SL is exonerated from any liability arising from:
Failures in the website due to force majeure, acts of God or other causes not attributable to it.
Technical and/or mechanical problems or viruses produced during the connection to the Internet (either through the website or third party platforms or websites), in the computer systems (software and hardware) or in the documents and electronic files stored in the computer equipment.
Access by minors to the contents included in the web, being the responsibility of their parents or guardians to exercise adequate control over the activity of children or minors in their care.
Likewise, Fincas Mayurqa Administradores SL is not responsible for the veracity, updating and legality of the contents of the pages that, in its case, are suggested by the company or that appear linked. Fincas Mayurqa Administradores SL is exonerated of all responsibility before the user as far as the legal conditions of use and the contents of the different web pages suggested or that appear linked by Fincas Mayurqa Administradores SL, being at the discretion of the user to accept them or not.
Fincas Mayurqa Administradores SL is not responsible for communications that are not previously authorized by the same. For this purpose, we inform that all communications regarding actions or calls to participate in any event related to the brand will always be published on the official website.
Applicable law and jurisdiction.
The provision of the service of this WEBSITE and these conditions of use are governed by Spanish law.
Any dispute arising from the services provided through this website will be resolved through the consumer arbitration courts, mediators or similar to which Fincas Mayurqa Administradores SL is adhered, at the time of the dispute, and/or through the corresponding courts and tribunals in accordance with national regulations.
Nullity and ineffectiveness of the clauses.
If any clause included in these conditions is declared totally or partially null or ineffective, such nullity shall only affect such provision or the part thereof that is null or ineffective, and the conditions shall survive in all other respects.